TLB Reading Hub

In this page you will find a selection of complementary reading activities that will allow you, your child, and all readers at home, to gain more from the book you purchased and the reading experience you’ll share as a family.

We believe that the book (and the story it tells) can (and should) be a jumping-off point to a whole world of discoveries and interactions with language, new vocabulary, concepts, ideas, questions, and conversations.

This hub will always be evolving. As new books are added to our bookshelves new ideas will be added in here too. Keep it bookmarked!

Activities and Games / Actividades y juegos

Click this link to check out and find inspiration from a list of activities and games for before and after reading time.

Questions to Spark Conversation / Preguntas para generar conversación

Click this link to access a list of questions we may ask young readers as we are about to start and once we’ve finish reading.

Reading Guides by Book / Guías de lectura por libro

Inspired by some of the most popular books on our shelves, our selection of reading guides offer prompts, questions, and activities to explore before, during, and after reading.

For additional resources and support, to ask specific questions or guidance, we invite you to join the BeeBilingual Club.